Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Peach Ice Cream: Summer Beginnings

My least favorite thing about blogging is having to do the "well, long time no see" intro necessitated after every long lull in blogging. But since I hate it, I won't do it this time!
Its finally summer, and being forever in school, I have lot of things I've accomplished this year--
  • Done with 2.1 years of medical school
  • Maybe know a few things about pregnant women and non-pregnant women
  • Finally got those 3 little numbers that more or less say what I can or cannot go into as a specialty in the future (so romantic right?)
  • Found a lab to call my home for the next 4 years and ready to nerd out about some neurons

Things I have yet to accomplish--
  • Dreadfully behind on my run 201.7 miles New Years resolution.
  • What is baking? What is ice cream? 
  • Soaking up enough sun to prove to people I actually live in California.

Fortunately I have 2 weeks of pure freedom during which I can start making progress on a few of the things on my "to-do list." Starting obviously with the most important- ice cream. My parent's peach trees have been reproducing like mad, and peaches dropped rotten on the earth just are a waste of life.
This ice cream is stupid easy to make- if I could make it after not touching an ice cream maker for over a year, then anyone can. If you're so lucky to live in a beautiful town where you can wander to your front yard and have your pick of fresh peaches, all the better. :)
Now time for some non-medical reading and living luxuriously out in the sun. But don't worry, there will be more peaches and creations to come!

Recipe from David Leibovitz's The Perfect Scoop
Also found here.

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