Friday, December 13, 2013

Apple Pie Cupcakes: A Tribute

Some of you might recall an earlier post where I essential wrote my "how did you meet" story for my future wedding between myself and....a cupcake truck. One of those cupcakes that I particularly love from that cupcake truck happens to an apple pie cupcake.
Incase you forgot
While I can't make ~signature swirls~ nearly as adorable as Sugar Bakery, I do have an oven and an unhealthy twitch to bake over school breaks that are in theory more like take this time to catchup so you're not screwed for finals breaks. Wait, what? Finals? Sorry, the cupcakes are a little distracting. Yes, finals. No, I don't want to take about them. And you don't want to hear about them. Especially if you're me rereading this in a few months when finals are over (Hi future self!). So, instead, lets collectively stare at these cupcakes instead.

These apple pie cupcakes were super fun to make! (I'm being serious, no sarcasm at all!) I don't make pie fillings or fillings very often, so getting to use cornstarch and watch it thicken was oddly satisfying. The cupcake itself was a pretty simple recipe. While I wanted something maybe more spiced and flavorful, I decided that if I was going to endeavor on a filled cupcake for Thanksgiving dinner, I should keep it basic (pH> 7 anyone???)

Also, its a shame whipped cream melts, because its literally the easiest way to make a fancy swirly-do topping to your cupcake. Anyways, I'll stop acting like a 10 year old and go back to my final, which I failed, right future Helen?
Apple Pie Cupcake recipe from food fanatic. Only changes were assembling style which are as pictured.

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