I've run out of witty/cutesy things to talk about that relate to food. I could talk about all the great barbecue I got to eat this year thanks to travels to Texas and the South. But, given I've grown up in California, where barbecue is burgers and hotdogs on a grill, I don't think I'm in the position to wax poetically about the woes that is fake barbecue or something.
Not to mention the ridiculous idea that root beer pulled pork made in a baby crockpot could ever remotely be close to ~texas~ or ~carolina~ barbecue pulled pork. I do really like that vinegar based sauce from carolina though. I didn't even use sauce here out of pure laziness! And, hawaiian bread, while delicious, is also probably not typical barbecue fixings.
So instead, life updates! MED SCHOOL STARTS IN A WEEK OR THREE DAYS. Depending on if you count orientation. I HAVE TO DRAW BLOOD AT ORIENTATION. Also, apologies to whoever has to deal with me and my sad veins. Uhm, I got sorted at my retreat, and I'm a Gryffindor? But it feels vaguely like a lie given my lack of many many many bro-qualities. Also, serious gender imbalances in the way these houses are working. Let's see, oh I'm already behind and screwing up orientation-lets-all-be-best-friends social affairs and I'm annoyed that if I don't play the "we're best friends, we all love bad beer and clubs and going out" game, I'll have zero friends. I thought going to college taught me that all of this orientation socialization crap is complete bs. Whelp has NO ONE LEARNED? Not to mention the more serious fear that I'll be that person who fails and drops out given my less than stellar study habits/work ethics. Like geez, how did I get into here again? Lol, at talks about "failing in med school," because please, I've already failed an infinite number of times in college. Oh, and my awesomely normal and diversely different from med school roommate is moving out, so that leaves me table-less, crock pot-less, and back in the lottery of who will my new mystery grad student roommate be?
This recipe actually probably works out well for all this incoming angst and random capitalization, given its hands-off nature. The root beer flavor didn't seem to really come out when I first took it out of the crock pot, but after a day or so, the leftovers were definitely deeper in flavor. Or you know, just use sauce like you're supposed to.
Recipe via My Retro Kitchen